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Current Grants 

  1. Espelage, D.L. (co-I; PD/PI: Gottfredson, Taggart). Measuring the impact of structural racism and discrimination during adolescence on substance use, psychological distress, and criminal justice outcomes in adulthood. National Institutes of Health (Grant no. 1-R01-DA056264-01) $2,445,740 (Funding Period: 05/15/2022 – 05/14/2026). 
  2. Espelage, D.L. (co-PI; PI: Polanin). Does Social and Emotional Learning Programming and Strategies Work for All Students? A Participatory Evidence Synthesis. AIR Foundation (Grant no. AIR-0640002101) $1,000,000 (Funding Period 4/1/2022 – 3/30/2026).
  3. Espelage, D.L. (PI). Sources of Strength: Addressing mental health on the UNC at Chapel Hill campus through student-led initiatives. Triad Foundation, $90,000 (Funding Period: 5/15/2022 – 4/30/2023).
  4. Espelage, D.L. (co-PI). Bullydown: Developing a bullying prevention program that transcends physical boundaries. National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (Grant no. R21HD104369), $374,232 (Funding Period: 4/1/2021 – 3/30/2023).
  5. Espelage, D.L. (PI). Development and pilot evaluation of bully prevention training modules for special and general education teachers: Impact on awareness, self-efficacy, and student outcomes, Institute of Education Sciences (Grant no. R324A190103), $1,397,205.64 (Funding Period: 7/1/2019 – 6/30/2023).

Past Grants

  1. Espelage, D.L. (PI). Sources of Strength: Addressing mental health on the UNC at Chapel Hill campus through student-led initiatives. Triad Foundation, $50,000 (Funding Period: 1/15/2022 – 5/1/2022).
  2. Espelage, D.L. (co-PI). Synthesis of trials to prevent suicide risk behavior in sexual and gender minorities, National Institute of Mental Health, $1,300,000 (Funding Period: 9/1/2018 – 5/31/2022).
  3. Espelage, D.L. (PI). Enhancing school safety officers’ effectiveness through online professional and job embedded coaching. National Institute of Justice, $990,238 (Funding Period: 1/1/2018 –12/30/2020). 
  4. Espelage, D.L. (co-PI). A systematic review and meta-analysis of interventions to decrease cyberbullying perpetration and victimization. National Institute of Justice, $142,146 (Funding Period: 1/1/2018 –4/30/2020). 
  5. Espelage, D.L. (co-PI). Consequences of school violence: A systematic review and meta-analysis. National Institute of Justice, $117,977 (Funding Period: 1/1/2017 –12/30/2020).  
  6. Espelage, D.L. (co-PI). BystanderBots: Automated bystander intervention for cyberbullying mitigation. National Science Foundation, $99,993.00 (Funding Period: 9/1/2017 – 8/30/2019).
  7. Espelage, D.L (PI). The impact of Sources of Strength, a primary prevention youth suicide program, on sexual violence perpetration among Colorado high school students, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention $1,800,000 (Funding Period: 9/30/2016 – 9/29/2020).
  8. Espelage, D.L. (co-PI).  Project SOARS (Student Ownership, Accountability, and Responsibility for School safety).  National Institute of Justice.  $1,550,423 (Funding Period: 1/1/2016 – 12/30/2020). 
  9. Espelage, D.L. (co-PI).  Texting 4 Bullying Prevention. HopeLab Foundation. $20,000 (Funding Period: 3/1/2014-9/1/2014).
  10. Espelage, D.L. (PI).  Pilot Evaluation of K-5 Second Step Social Emotional Learning & Bully Prevention Unit.  $661,604, Committee for Children (Funding Period:  8/1/2014 – 7/30/2017).
  11. Espelage, D.L. (PI); (Co-PIs Melissa Holt, Boston U., & Mark Van Ryzin, OSLC), National Institute of Justice, Effects of a Middle School Social-Emotional Learning Program on Teen Dating Violence, Sexual Violence, and Substance Use In High School, $662,993 (11/1/2013 – 10/30/2017).
  12. Espelage, D.L. (PI); (Co-PIs Mark Friedman, Pittsburgh & Elizabeth Miller, CHOP), National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Randomized Trial of a Gender Enhanced Middle School Violence Prevention Program,” $997,574.00 (Funding Period:  9/30/2013 – 9/29/2017).
  13. De La Rue, L., Polanin, J., Espelage, D.L., & Pigott, T. (2012-13).  The Campbell Collaboration, Education Coordinating Group Systematic Review Grant. School-based Interventions to Reduce Dating and Sexual Violence. $7,500
  14. Espelage, D.L.(PI); (Co-PI Assistant Professor Sabina Low, Arizona State University), National Institute of Justice, “Bullying, Sexual, and Dating Violence Trajectories from Early to Late Adolescence,” $386,766.00 (Funding Period:  1/1/2012 – 12/30/2014)
  15. Espelage, D.L. (PI); (Co-PI Assistant Professor Sabina Low, Arizona State University), National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Multi-site Evaluation of Second Step:  Student Success Through Prevention (Second Step – SSTP) in Preventing Bullying and Sexual Violence,” $1,128,855.00 (Funding Period:  9/30/09 – 9/29/2013)
  16. 21. Espelage, D.L. (co-PI; Subaward with Rand Corp), Social Network Effects in the Context of Adolescent Behaviors, National Institutes of Health, $275,161 (Funding Period:  3/1/2012 – 2/29/2016).
  17. 22. Espelage, D.L. (Research Scientist). National Science Foundation, Collaborative Research: CDI-Type II: Groupscope: Instrumenting Research on Interaction Networks in Complex Social Contexts, (Funding Period: 9/1/2009 – 8/31/2014). Funds Espelage summer salary and three Graduate RAs.
  18. Amir, Eyal (PI), & Espelage, D.L. (co-PI).  National Science Foundation, “Analyzing Partially Observable Computer-Adolescent Networks,” $250,000. (Funding Period:  8/1/10 – 7/31/2011)
  19. Espelage, D.L. (PI); (Co-PI Professor Nan Stein, Wellesley University), National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Middle School Bullying and Sexual Violence:  Etiological Models and Moderators,” $893,299.00 (Funding Period:  9/1/2007 – 8/31/2010)
  20. Espelage, D. L., UIUC Research Board, 1997-98, “Treatment of Eating Disorders: Multivariate Analyses of Behavioral and Personality Correlates,” $7,984
  21. Espelage, D. L., UIUC Research Board, 1997-98, “Bullying and Peer Victimization in Middle School Students:  Assessment of Attitudes, Behaviors, and Social Systems,” $5,461
  22. Espelage, D. L., UIUC Research Board, 1999-2000, “Bullying as a Peer Group Process During Early Adolescence,” $12,151
  23. Espelage, D. L., Faculty Fellow, Bureau of Educational Research, 1999-2000, “Peer Networks and Disordered Eating in Early Adolescence,” $14,952
  24. Espelage, D. L., Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, 1999-2001, “Validation of a Disease-Specific Quality of Life Questionnaire for Cystic Fibrosis,” $46,008